Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Now I Know

...what I've gotten myself into. The mosquitoes continued their onslaught into the morning so I packed up and booked it out of the woods.  After my somewhat sleepless night I had 1L water to get me to the nearest town. I foolishly decided to make the trek before having a full breakfast. If I did so where I was I would have become the mosquito's breakfast. So I downed a handful of blueberries and trail mix. Unfortunately the town, which I judged at about 6 miles, was quite a bit further. I refilled my water at a quarter horse ranch 12mi in and continued around the bend. With just 5 miles left I collapsed on someone's lawn. A little bit later I got up to ask permission to sleep on said lawn. The dude obliged.

Oh I forgot to mention- before I stopped at the ranch I threw up the blueberries and trail mix I had scarfed down before leaving. It happened again on the lawn. And again every time I tried to rehydrate. Good stuff. So now I'm passed out on this guys front lawn for 3 hours. I decided to give in and got a ride to the nearest motel. That is where I am. There is a subway in town, and that's about it. Subway it is.

Only 12 miles today, which is sad. But I did pass through a town with only 3 houses and 2 churches. Rural America. I also left my 3L water bag on dude's lawn. That'll add about 10 miles to tomorrow.

I'm going to reevaluate my fuel/water consumption.


  1. Nick, you are well on your way to capturing a reality TV contract or a case of West Nile. This is great stuff man, keep it up. Give us your expected destination in four days we will ship necessary cycling supplies: tubes, energy bars, etc.

  2. I'll be working on figuring that out. Slept half the day after that ordeal. Feeling good. Thanks for the offer!

    PS I know you can't read this unless you highlight it. I have no idea how to fix it.

  3. Hi Nick, We are hooked on your blog, please keep updating.
    Keep the faith!
